My Tear stain pillowcase
each stain on my pillowcase outline, my pain and storm and my happiness
and sorrows, my passions my desires, my pillow is like my best friend
representing the only thing I Can hug and hold without passing judgement
or quick to return a response of negativity,.
my pillow is never Passive-aggressive in behavior having expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, sarcasm, hostile jokes, stubbornness, resentment, , or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.
for showing, the love, that I give, you, just saying thank you for the way you love me with every since of urgency
to make sure your fine and strait, not wanting nothing in return, but to make you stand tall and feel like a man or a love should feel.
the life you live is a turning point for how the rest of your life should play out. Know matter what you do in life, what you've done in life there's consequences for how your actions will effect the world , society and yourself.;
But than you get yourself in a situation were drama will take a toll on your mind-frame, were you get so caught up that there no turning back, and we all know it take 5min to get in trouble and a lifetime getting out of it..
we all have our personal time and space, were we just want to be alone, to pray, to sort out life or what in the hell just happened to put me in this frame of mind, as old feelings and emotions, crowd your mind into thinking the what haves or the haves and the have nots.
my tear stain pillow as seen many days of happiness, of joy, joy and pain, as my head fits so perfectly on my pillow seeing all things of lust and passion, evening squeezing it so hard when that moment of pleasure starts
to seep out and you have to bury your face in your pillow to silence the noise and heated energy in that space and time.
my tear stained pillow is forever loyal, knowing i will replace its dressing with a clean fresh case, often knowing my loyalty, my cries will never be spoke about, are revealed to anyone.. what my heartfelt tears.
only the four walls, and me and my pillow in my room, only GOD knowing the contents, and the context of every conversation said and spoken about in secrecy .
my pillow is always laying next to its partner, and matching mate even having the same dark blue pillow case. as i lay in bed next to my husband, with is his alone thoughts in his mind, and the conversations with his pillow. they only pillow talk that is revealed is the love we speak about to each other, and what we want more in our life together and for each other.
and when our bed is all alone in the privacy of our room, and our pillow case lay side by side. i often ponder the conversations they would have together if that was possible.
as my tears frame my face and my thoughts and emotions will ever be imprinted, as you connect the dots to my pain, my, sorrow, my happiness. like maze said in there song, joy, and pain, sunshine and rain,, joy and pain i want sunshine and rain. joy and pain i want sunshine and rain,
tear stained pillow cases by helen davis(burnett)
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