back in the day, you could sit on your front porch at night at reminisce about the good ole days with your family, siblings, and real close friends of the family, that would be there for you at a drop of a hat.
back in the day when you would pop off and get sassy the neighbors who knew your parents were allowed to get on you when they saw you doing thing inappropriate when your parents and family were not around, telling you to sit your fast tail down before I tell your moma and daddy,'
back in the day
knowing that you immediately better pay attention because of the respect you had for your elders, in the strict regulations in being raised to respect your elders, in the meantime respect is earned and not given, riding the fine line to talk back, to that nosey neighbor with you being a kid thinking they trying to get in your bizness in reality they were trying to warn you and guide your from running and falling in the trap of being disobedient just to hang with kids that parents let them run wild and come and go as they please thinking what fun they may be having playing double dutch on the front side walk, after the street lights came on, as cars with cute boys driving by with base in there system with them big ole house speakers in the back of there trunk or back seats
bumping run dmc hard times, and the ll cool j singing i need love
back in the day when you could buy lemon heads for ten cents at the corner store and you had 5 dollars and you could get a grip of jolly rancher sticks you all ready noooooooo that apple was the bomb,
back in the day you knowing that the
Everytime I put this treat in my mouth it reminds me of back in the day .of doubledutch in the front yard of my grandma's house, doing the cheers that were popular back then like step step step by step helen my name love is my game I got this boy on my mind don't know his sign but virgo is mine so put a hip in your motion and put it in slow motion oew she think she bad, bad enough to kick her beep or step to the left step by step step to the right step by step it really doesn't matter who shakes the best hey hey cause I shake the best my name is helen and as you see hey hey cause when I shake I make a blind man. cheering with your home girls that live in your neighborhood brings back fond memories of just going to the corner store buying chips for 50cents and now and laters, those our the bomb too. but it takes my mind back to a time of simple things in life,listeners let your mind drift back to listening to prince, and the beastie boys, the fat boys, going to the mall with your friends, eating doritos and pickles together, watching good times and whats happening, with that little girl dee,(what you talking about) oh snap wrong show that was gary coleman that said that. but dee would say roger eww I'm ah tell moma . back in the day
how about going to the skating ring with your friends trying to look cute and going around in circles to see if any cute boys are checking you out. watching the movie purple rain over and over again. having your hair in either a basket weave of braids are a jerry curl, and please dont forget wearing your hair in that tight asymmetrical hair cuts that salt n pepa use to wear while jamming to I'll take your man on video soul and yo mtv raps that only came on , saturdays and you would tape your favorite videos on the vcr having it set to record next week to jam to your favorites .back than lite skinned black men with long curls were the thing. then a few years after that tall dark skinned balled head dudes that wore basket ball jerseys and shorts that emulated there favorite basket ball team looking fly as all get out, back in the day all these things I remember in my childhood and teen years brings back fond memories and just eating your favorite candy brings you back to a time in your life of pure innocent fun.
back in the day just sitting and for a moment in time you get a respite in your memory bank to relive a time in your life and pay homage to a time period, when just reminiscing brings back fond times and memories, that continue to leave foot prints of the past while making new good memories in your future to join the legacy of the past and the present.
back in the day by helen burnett davis
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