to talk trash about a friend or acquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect.
throwing shade, it's immediately obvious to onlookers that the thrower,
and not the intended target, is aware that the blinds of hate and disregard is about to be sidelined with intended daggers thrown there way at a attempt to clown them and make them feel less then common dirt on the ground, topped off with the side eye as to put more salt on the wound of jealousy and hate.
Throwing shade expressing one's criticism, disapproval, animosity, or scorn of varying levels of intensity towards another person.
because they got something you want, and you don't want to go through the motions of having the drive and the go get to strive to make something better in your life, so you use all your time and energy hating on the other person, that has accomplish the goals you desire to have in your life.
throwing shade pretending to be happy for your friend or acquaintance, but deep down inside harboring resentment and deceit , because blessing are abound and abundant to them. instead of being happy for that person, i mean genuinely happy for that person
that the almighty GOd has blessed them with the necessities of life because of there hard work, and having faith, and giving back to others, as if they claimed the term paying it forward into conception .
in the meantime your causing havoc, with your malice words and thoughts to undermine the integrity of your friends character, for others to look down on, but not realizing your stirring the pot of hate, jealousy,malice,disregard,ungodliness, doom,drama, and when the pot is about to bubble over, with chaos, when the person who you have thrown shade too thinking the love of true friendship was among you two, was disguised with betrayal,
throwing shade, when the target that you intended to hurt forgives you and overlooks your behavior,giving suggestion that your put GOD in your life, to learn how to love , to learn how to be happy for your neighbor and learn how to love yourself as well as the other person of your target, because when you learn to love in the way GOD has intended true agape love only then is when ,the shades will open up, shining a bright light of love and happiness, and your blessings will be abound, and abundant and the shade of darkness will be lifted.
throwing shade by helen burnett-davis.
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