:adapt to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or situation
adapt: to change (something) so that it functions better or is better suited for a purpose
adapt: to change) so that it can be presented in another form
do we adapt to make a bad situation worse or do we adapt to make a better situation better.
i often ponder over this very fact, adapting to a way of life that you thought was a benefit to you but with underlying bogus tendencies to fool you into maintaining a way of life that would be a fairy tale existence.
happy one minuet, sad one minuet,like a tsunami wave circumferencing the inner being of my physical makeup,
- do i adapt,to adjust,do i adapt accommodate,do i adapt conform,do i adapt reconcile mean to bring one thing into correspondence with another. to make a relationship a modification according to changing circumstances that would effect the whole dynamics of a household to adjust bringing into a close harmony such as a love exists between both parents, as our behaviors reflect the matrimonial bonds that reflect, the sacredness highly valued and important : deserving great respect of the union that brought us together before the eyes our our father in heaven. is it displayed in a loving manner that our children would want to have safe passage in there future unions with there mates and households. so let us adapt to the privilege, to protect, to secure to shield and exempt, our children from adapting to wrong situations, that reflect through the looking glass of our mindset, but have faith in the assured things to come that will be a blessing and learning to except blessing when they are presented before them. so adapt to peace. adapt to love, adapt to blessing if a family prays together they will stay together, but it may have its rocky roads but with faith anything is possible and you will able to adapt in any situations.
- adapt by helen davis
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