Sunday, January 26, 2014

Desire to deciet

the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. Deceit

Deceit to love, deceitfulness to desire someone in a bogus manner to have slyness having double dealing 

disregard and fraud showing trickery and bluffing someone into loving you and desire you. and in your mindset 

your laughing saying i got the come up on this one, what can i do to manipulate a loving situation to get what i 

want while having a dime piece on the side, hoping to double up on my earnings so i can sit back and enjoy the 

fullness of my bounty of money and pleasure knowing that i don't deserve it pretending to reciprocate, love that I 

will never return,

because of the heartache and pain that was delivered to me so i am determined to drive in that lane to have

deceptive desire for anyone that come under my temptation.

Desire to deceit concealing and distorting the truth for the purpose of misleading someone into to giving you 

exactly what you want.  even if the person so calls wake up from being played, the one doing the tom foolery 

once being exposed of the deceit, will manipulate any sense of realization so that person will not come out

of  the coma. of the deceptive mindset that put them in that state of mind in the first place,

desire to deceit to tarnish are mess up a love you always wanted but someone else is loving and enjoying the 

love you always wanted but you were in the dream world of scamming lovers to get what you want and at the end

giving them nothing in return.  Then when the love bug hits you back in the circumference of what goes around 

comes around, and when you finally get yourself in the position for love to come you way, and you feel yourself

falling hard to the point of every sense of common sense leaves your deceptive mind, to peep game if someone

playing you in that lane of deceptive powers.

Blinded by the infatuation, of a love you finally thought would be the realization for you, But as the tables turn
the love you thought was yours, did a switch of the rules of the game,  the cliche of hate the player don't hate the

Deceit to desire and now your on the receiving end of the game you only can  comprehend . because you wrote 
the blue print of your own demise that love and happiness will never be your prize.

but when you flip the script to repent and forgive, praying for forgiveness, and apologising for your wrongs, as sure
as faith is the assured things to come,  you will be blessed with the true desire of love, and patients, and 

kindness, that represents the true union, of the one and only true creator of love, understand the meaning of 
 true un- deceptive love, never seeking the desire to deceive another love.

imprinting the true desire of love, and only you can put that stamp of approval on the kind of love that will come 
your way. so love to desire and not to deceive, because that deception can one day become your demise.

desire to deceit by helen burnett-davis 

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