Sunday, March 16, 2014

Love changes is a house really a home when the ring don't mean a thang

love changes is a house really a home when the ring don't mean a thang

changes is love changes, what is a lover to do, is a house really a home when there is no one there to hold you tight. or you can kiss good night, like the famous Luther would say.

love changes may have its ups and downs , sometimes it starts good before you have a chance for it to start bad. afraid to talk things out, being afraid to speak you're mind, to make yourself valuable enough to let your love know that they our draining your emotional energy, that you know you need for your own goals to accomplish. peace and joy, love and GOD in you're relationship.and household for his holy spirit to cover you and the ones that you love.

We all have challenge and things that go against us in a relationship, but it would be better in a marriage.
when you live in a household, giving all the love , all the passion, all the love and kindness, all the patience, in a relationship, all these beautiful gifts of love, some get it free without, GODS EYE, LOOKING down and blessing and fortifying your relationship, some may say, its better to try on the shoes, to she how they fit, then going blind into a relationship living together and not knowing how it will end up.

Some live in this situation, and live a great life, but there are those who want to have god umbrella of love, kindness and his holy spirit blessing you;re union that he instituted and put together, that's why he said, a man is to leave his father and mother and stick to his wife, not stick to his wifely, girl friend or playmate.

Those poem may offend others other put them in a space to look at there own life, and situation, because every women is beautiful, and your worth is very special, it is a good thing to place high standards for your life, for you to love in the constitution of the arrangement of marriage and saying I do and you do,

remember you can't live a positive life living negative thoughts, making things anew, it may be you have children already, and both parents our in the household, you already are living like your married why not make it legal and have the almighty blessings cover you and your marriage and everyone you love, saying I do and I love you, is so easy to say, because those around you, will be so happy to see, the love that surrounds you, circling around you in a 360 motions coming back full circle to showing your children that being married and god inside your household is more powerful then anything you could ever do in your life, because marriage is everything to god. he is the author of it, and he wrote the blue print of love and kindness, and how a man shall leave his parents and cling to his wife, to love his wife as the lesser vessel with Christ being his head and the father being over Christ head in that order.

the man loving his mate like he loves himself, because no man hates himself but he cherish himself, loves himself feeds and clothes himself, and the same value he places on himself should be placed on his wife.

so if you already live in that state of boyfriend and girlfriend for years go ahead and make it legal because you already our both giving away the love , lust passion, kindness to one another you may say whats the big deal or the difference its just a Peace of paper, no its more then that, its GOD blessing your household with his love and his kindness because he being the Author of marriage he is the alpha and the omega and he never makes mistakes, so please heed and put a ring on it, in a symbolic way. so you can be free and experience the fullness of life, and the well of good things will freely flow in your household , you will see gods goodness in a new way, when you say, l love you my husband and he say i love you  my wife.

and i guarantee your blessing will  be abound and abundant.forsaking all that does not honor this union, and cling to your mate, loving them and cherishing them and becoming high favored with the joy of abundant love for all too see, that putting a ring on it is the place to be.

SO IF  you're not going to make her you're wife don't make her you baby's momma,

so lets take back to the time when our grandparents celebrate their 40 and 50 year anniversary, so your children will follow suit, and join in and celebrate the gift of putting in hard work and longevity to be able to say happy anniversary my love, and that you are the ribbon in the sky for my love and we can't lose with god on our side.

the definition of love changes mean

 Love is grounded in meaning and inclines us to action. When we love others, then, we feel that their happiness, security, and well-being matter  ...

love changes is a house really a home when the ring don't mean a thang

by helen burnett-Davis

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