Thursday, January 30, 2014

remembering the longevity of love

remember the longevity of love

Will you love me when things are just not going the way you expected? Do you remember when you first said I love you? Will you love me when my hips are not as fine round and lovely?
do you remember when were making good money and things were looking great in our life? nice cars, money in the bank, always going places making moves doing things as a family?, and a couple,  do you remember are honeymoon? do you remember when we first prayed together?
I will never forget any of these things. even when we our going through bad times and hardships I will never forget when you first got your gray hair before me, how we laugh all the time about me trying to make homemade rolls and there not turning out so great. 

Calling them rocks, and how I always dose off and drop the remote and you have to keep reorder them, or when I got sick you quit your good job to care for me honoring our vowels in sickness and health, I will never forget the love you had in your eyes and still do when I came out of that operating room in one peace praying to the lord to bless me back to health so we can continue our journey of love and unconditional love for one another in such a matrimonial union, I remember when you asked me to love you and we shall never forsake or separate this union that no man shall pull apart when you remember these details in life, putting god first, your love, for your families and friends the love for your marriage, the love of your household stays grounded, the love making continues, the I love yous are ever more meaningful, and most of all the children stay happy. when you put god first remembering the good and the bad times in life. So never let your mind and heart forget to remember what you have in life,whats right in front of you,and that's  your family and the memories you continue to make as the years go by 
let the love continue our journey to pave the road for the long distance the miles we add on because of the strong love and the glue that makes it stick and bond together, the longevity striving to make this love a safe passage for our children and our children's  children to follow the path of true love despite the bumpy ride we endured during the best of times and not so grand of times, but always remembering the love, and this wonderful journey we took to get were we are now, leaving a legacy for the fundamentals blueprint of fundamentals of true love.

remembering the longevity of love
by Helen Davis

Monday, January 27, 2014

Throwing Shade

to talk trash about a friend or acquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect.
 throwing shade, it's immediately obvious to onlookers that the thrower, 
and not the intended target, is aware that the blinds of hate and disregard is about to be sidelined with intended daggers thrown there way at a attempt to clown them and make them feel less then common dirt on the ground, topped off with the side eye as to put more salt on the wound of jealousy and hate.
Throwing shade expressing one's criticism, disapproval, animosity, or scorn of varying levels of intensity towards another person.
because they got something you want, and you don't want to go through the motions of having the drive and the go get to strive to make something better in your life, so you use all your time and energy hating on the other person, that has accomplish the goals you desire to have in your life.
throwing shade pretending to be happy for your friend or acquaintance, but deep down inside harboring resentment and deceit , because blessing are abound and abundant to them. instead of being happy for that person, i mean genuinely happy for that person
that the almighty GOd has blessed them with the necessities of life because of there hard work, and having faith, and giving back to others, as if they claimed  the term paying it forward into conception .
in the meantime your causing havoc, with your malice words and thoughts to undermine the integrity of your friends character, for others to look down on, but not realizing your stirring the pot of hate, jealousy,malice,disregard,ungodliness, doom,drama, and when the pot is about to bubble over, with chaos, when the person who you have thrown shade too thinking the love of true friendship was among you two, was disguised with betrayal,
throwing shade, when the target that you intended to hurt forgives you and overlooks your behavior,giving suggestion that your put GOD in your life, to learn how to love , to learn how to be happy for your neighbor and learn how to love yourself as well as the other person of your target, because when you learn to love in the way GOD has intended true agape love only then is when ,the shades will open up, shining a bright light of love and happiness, and your blessings will be abound, and abundant and the shade of darkness will be lifted.

throwing shade by helen burnett-davis.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Desire to deciet

the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. Deceit

Deceit to love, deceitfulness to desire someone in a bogus manner to have slyness having double dealing 

disregard and fraud showing trickery and bluffing someone into loving you and desire you. and in your mindset 

your laughing saying i got the come up on this one, what can i do to manipulate a loving situation to get what i 

want while having a dime piece on the side, hoping to double up on my earnings so i can sit back and enjoy the 

fullness of my bounty of money and pleasure knowing that i don't deserve it pretending to reciprocate, love that I 

will never return,

because of the heartache and pain that was delivered to me so i am determined to drive in that lane to have

deceptive desire for anyone that come under my temptation.

Desire to deceit concealing and distorting the truth for the purpose of misleading someone into to giving you 

exactly what you want.  even if the person so calls wake up from being played, the one doing the tom foolery 

once being exposed of the deceit, will manipulate any sense of realization so that person will not come out

of  the coma. of the deceptive mindset that put them in that state of mind in the first place,

desire to deceit to tarnish are mess up a love you always wanted but someone else is loving and enjoying the 

love you always wanted but you were in the dream world of scamming lovers to get what you want and at the end

giving them nothing in return.  Then when the love bug hits you back in the circumference of what goes around 

comes around, and when you finally get yourself in the position for love to come you way, and you feel yourself

falling hard to the point of every sense of common sense leaves your deceptive mind, to peep game if someone

playing you in that lane of deceptive powers.

Blinded by the infatuation, of a love you finally thought would be the realization for you, But as the tables turn
the love you thought was yours, did a switch of the rules of the game,  the cliche of hate the player don't hate the

Deceit to desire and now your on the receiving end of the game you only can  comprehend . because you wrote 
the blue print of your own demise that love and happiness will never be your prize.

but when you flip the script to repent and forgive, praying for forgiveness, and apologising for your wrongs, as sure
as faith is the assured things to come,  you will be blessed with the true desire of love, and patients, and 

kindness, that represents the true union, of the one and only true creator of love, understand the meaning of 
 true un- deceptive love, never seeking the desire to deceive another love.

imprinting the true desire of love, and only you can put that stamp of approval on the kind of love that will come 
your way. so love to desire and not to deceive, because that deception can one day become your demise.

desire to deceit by helen burnett-davis 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

love at first site

when i first saw you  on a sunny afternoon, me standing outside on my front porch just chilling and pondering over life events, when you drove by and our eyes immediately locked into place, i knew right then and there, love would develop into something so sweet and so special,

at first site, my eyes was opened up to the splendor of your fine keen feature  frame of pure loveliness
when you touched my hands for the first time, i and kissed my lips so so sweetly i knew then you were the one for me, the passion and emotions intertwined in my mind and body's like waves of current flowing through my system like a tsunami waves, as the waves come into to the beach of true pleasure

 at first site, love was evident from the first day you said, hi can i have your number, and i was like let me have yours, anticipating when we will ever see each other again, counting the hours and the minuets to we join together in splendid company, making me feel so beautiful, so sexy, like a woman should feel, as your eyes look at me up and down like your drawing a outline of my curves with your membrane of ecstasy .
 but all in the same keeping it trill that, this can continue and only continue to our love blossoming into a everlasting bond of true matrimonial   ecstasy longing,  for the day when those words slip out of our mouths i love you and you love me, lets make this do what it do, and put a ring on our finger and i  on yours, and yours on  mine when passion passion filled the room like waves to the ocean pulled me in with such force too you, when you put your arm around me my body felt such a rush your as  eyes did everything to my body without your hands touching not a single curve of my body,as your eyes telling me that our love will always be safe sound, loving as the first day our eyes met loving you always as the love of first site.

never forsaking the sacredness of our love, maintaining it with unconditional heart felt love as the years go by, i love now , i love you forever i love you at first site,'' as  are love go through the seasons of life with its ups and downs, our love is define as we appreciate every aspect of this love, our love gets stronger as the days go on, as we get a little older, hair a little greyer our love will last forever and a day, as our everlasting love continue down the passage of  keeping the door open to continue to love each other as first site.

love at first site
by helen burnett-davis

Friday, January 24, 2014


the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something to make valid or substantiate; confirming approval. of oneself  or having others confirm who we are or who they think they would like us to be, never let others validate or assume you being  strong and healthy either in condition or principle. determine your nothing and your thoughts mean nothing.

We as human beings being validated by our own self worth .we often sometimes

take to heart when others say hurtful words and make mean comments about your self worth as being nothing but a joke. To brandish your name and your gifts of talent or how you live, in a way that is demeaning to the inner core. of 
your being within. But to let such constant rituals destroy what you are and who you are as a person, will tear a whole in anyone mind state if you let them.
TO validate oneself is to value yourself, and honor the life you have chosen to live only if it doesn't offend anyone, bother anyone or put there reputation out there in a way that would harm who they are as a  person. When I think of Validation I think of the accomplishments I have made in my 41 years on this earth ,and the talents I have  the validations I have from my inner circle of people who truly love me. And you know when you are loved by the actions of others around you. love is not haughty, scornful, mean ,degrading or harmful, love is the true agape love that Christians should have ,know matter how you feel about a person, who that person may love, but  unconditional love that family and friends should have for one another, and when you have that in your life that validates everything and everyone.   so always be mindful of validity of your worth  confirming to your self I am beautiful, I am valid and i do matter

by Helen Davis

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

:adapt to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or situation
adapt: to change (something) so that it functions better or is better suited for a purpose
adapt: to change) so that it can be presented in another form
do we adapt to make a bad situation worse or do we adapt to make a  better situation better.
i often ponder over this very fact, adapting to a way of life that you thought was a benefit to you but with underlying bogus tendencies to fool you into maintaining a way of life that would be a fairy tale existence.

happy one minuet, sad one minuet,like a tsunami wave  circumferencing  the inner  being of my physical makeup,
  1.  do i adapt,to  adjust,do i adapt accommodate,do i adapt conform,do i adapt reconcile mean to bring one thing into correspondence with another. to make a relationship a modification according to changing circumstances that would effect the whole dynamics of a household to adjust  bringing into a close harmony such as a love exists between both parents, as our behaviors reflect the matrimonial bonds that reflect, the sacredness  highly valued and important : deserving great respect of the union that brought us together before the eyes our our father in heaven. is it displayed in a loving manner that our children would want to have safe passage in there future unions with there mates and households. so let us adapt to the privilege, to protect, to secure to shield and exempt, our children from adapting to wrong situations, that reflect through the looking glass of our mindset, but have faith in the assured things to come that will be a blessing and learning to except blessing when they are presented before them. so adapt to peace. adapt to love, adapt to blessing if a family prays together they will stay together, but it may have its rocky roads but with faith anything is possible and you will able to adapt in any situations. 
  2. adapt by helen davis  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Be Easy

be safe be easy, love and live life to the fullest, within the boundaries of love and devotion and the sanity and cleanliness of the Lord above through his son Jesus be mindful of your surrounding so you can enjoy your life in this wicked system of things, because you will have the faith and knowledge to know that the almighty GOD Jehovah has your back and always will because he will never let you go through anything you can not bare, so be easy, be safe, and know that life burdens may seem hard but having faith that anxietys of life will be that much easier to cope with. if it don't matter don't worry.

thank you helen burnett-davis


look at yourself through the looking glass, the depth and emotions and feelings we share, as our mindset change and we get older forget what hurt you in the past. but never forget what it taught you this is the motto we should all live by. you cant change the past but you can change your future and try not to repeat and put your emotions on digital replay to rehash hurt over and over look through the looking glass and see things for who and what they are.and you usually can move on and forgive. but what you learn from the past can make your life better in a postive way. because certain decisions other people make can prevent you from making the same mistake and it could be worse for you in the long run. so remember to change your mindset and look at yourself thru the looking glass of forgiveness