Monday, October 18, 2010

union of love

LOVE when you think of that four letter word what comes to mind?. Love is a bond so strong when its real can that cord be broken? There are many forms of love that capture the heart in many ways. For instants there is agape love that's the true love of friendships, Loyal love, of God, self and family and to some country. Love bonds many types of unions, young and old we all have adapted to many of these unions. When you are loved in the way of true loving kindness we all know and feel the energy of being loved by someone you deeply care about and the reciprocation makes the heart overwhelmed with great joy and happiness. God instituted LOVE so know doubt it reveals many feelings deep within our being.  We as human beings need love to be healthy in a mental state to just survive and be good in heart and mind. Love lifts the spirit of anyone that is down trotted  in there own shortcoming's. We are all imperfect , we all get sick and die, we all judge,  we all at times have ill will for those that rub us in the wrong way at times. But when we come back to that four letter word Love and use and say it in the way GOD intended for the word to be use and implemented in our heart and life. Maybe the world would be a better place. So the question I asked earlier is love really a perfect bond of union. My answer to you is yes, Because if you love in the way ALMIGHTY GOD intended you too, any thing can be accomplished, love covers a multitude of sins and transgressions. We have a choice to love or hate I choose the route to LOVE it makes you feel so good to love and be loved because when you keep it real everyone yearns and wants to be loved." LOVE is that perfect bond of union."

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