Saturday, January 30, 2016

Helen's poetic cafe lounge PRESENTS:CHOICES

Friday, January 29, 2016


The power of choice

The power to choose

Is one of the fundamental tools we use in every day life decisions

Our choices effect the outcome of the way we live
our lives

The way we love, who we love, and who we decide to love

When free will  is  combined

With the free will to choose

The freedom of choice is a wonderful thing

Also having the inability to choose
can effect  the outcome

of the choices we make rather in a positive or a negative light
repeated bad choices can end in ways that the outcome

Can be detrimental to yourself and others around you

So let us all choose to make better choices

So we can work in harmony with the our prayers to help us make
and continue to make the right choices in our daily lives

Because when it truly comes down to making a choice I want
to be well equipped mentally ,  To choose that narrow rode

Not that broad and spacious that does not lead to everlasting life

choices by Helen B Davis

Copyrighted work by 1972

Registration date:
January 28, 2016 - 07:12 PM
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Saturday, January 23, 2016

LOYALTY(loyal Love)Let it be said let it be told!!!

They say blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you a family

Let it be said let it be told

Loyalty can be displayed in the very word itself

when you add

Love in Loyalty it truly makes you complete

O makes it official

Having loyal love because GOD is love

yearning for that everlasting, love

That true bond, that hold the strongest glue together

That no one can break

Because true loyalty binds it together

Let it be said let it be told

Amen to the creator of Loyal love

Loyalty can be agreed upon with a handshake

And relaying on faith that it will never be forsaken

Let it be said let it be told

Inciting and encouraging fine works

Provoking the flame of dignity and pride

Let it be said let it be told

Always being faithful and Loyal

and devoted to the people you love

upholding this word with dignity

Showing homage for the creator of

loyalty because he is love

Loyalty let it be said let it be told

Loyalty by Helen B. Davis

(c)2016 1-18-2016

Copyrighted work by 1972

Registration date:
January 18, 2016 - 10:13 PM
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