No human knows mans heart, but the creator of man, but man can perceive a person heart by there actions and they way they live, and there showy display of life.
The medical term for heart condition is the disease heart
But as for the condition of the heart only GOD KNOWS our thoughts, what we feel how we feel deep into the cosmos of every fiber of our being, He knows what we think and feel before we do
not forsaking the free will to live our life by choice
and what ever rode is our choice, its the format as to how the rest of our life can play out
A mans heart condition is indeed revealed by what he puts first in his life
having a sound mind and heart is a beautiful way to condition one's heart
to love and to receive love in a tapestry of beautiful wisdom
To have a wise heart not use your heart in a way to scheme or slander another
but let your heart be full of empathy
showing kind expression of love, dignity and respect and mutual respect will be highly favored
A mild answer turns away rage, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
so condition your heart to have love and fine works
always digging deep inside to always try to be the better person you were from the day before, having a heart of love not a heart of stone.
so condition your heart to always have a blessed heart condition, because only GOD CAN READ YOUR HEART NOT MAN
But your heart can be perceived by your characteristic and attitude and the way you choose to live your life for man or for GOD.
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